Natural Remedies

Traditional remedies are still valued and used today to help prepare your body for labour and pain management during labour.

Herbal Tincture

Prepare the following herbal combination: Red raspberry leaf, False Unicorn Root, Nettle (20 ml each), Squaw Vine, St Mary’s Thistle (30 ml each) and Withania (50 ml). Take from the 36th weeks of pregnancy onwards.

Herbal Tea

Both nettle and raspberry leaf teas are uterine tonics and support the kidneys and urinary tract. Both teas strengthen the blood vessels and relieve cramps and painful childbirth.

Jasmine Essential Oil

Aromatherapy stimulates sensory cells in the nose that in turn send messages to the limbic area of the brain to release neurochemicals into the bloodstream.

Jasmine is the aromatherapy essential oil prized for bringing on labour and easing pain. It is highly valued as a meditation oil and is known to enhance focus.

Aromatherapy oils can be used in different ways. In its simplest form, a few drops on a pillow or handkerchief can be effective to uplift and energise. The oils can be blended as massage oil or used in hot and cold compresses during childbirth. Blended with rose and/or neroli, this makes divine massage oil.

Bach Flower Rescue Remedy

Use the Bach Flower essence Rescue Remedy or the Australian Bush Flower Emergency Essence in the six weeks leading up to the birth and hourly during labour. These can be used as antidotes to stress, fear and lack of confidence.


Arnica taken in tablet form in the week leading up to the birth will help in pain control and recovery. It relieves bruising to tissue and muscle. Take 30c potency once a day.

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