Week 6 of Pregnancy


Your baby has more than doubled in size in the past week. Its tiny heart begins to form and will already have the power to pump blood around its own body. The jaw and mouth are developing with ten dental buds in each jaw. Small limb buds are beginning to appear from which your baby will develop arms, hands, legs and feet.

Morning sickness (which despite its name may occur at any time of day and can last all day) may continue for the next six weeks or more. It is a common symptom of early pregnancy, thought to be caused by the digestive system reacting to the HCG pregnancy hormone. Naturopaths believe the severity of morning sickness reflects the health of the maternal liver.

Pregnancy hormones, which can often turn the vagina a bluish-violet colour, may also cause the intestines to relax and become less efficient causing constipation. Drink plenty of water and eat lots of vegetables to help relieve this problem.


Drink two litres of plain water daily to help flush out impurities. Start every day with a glass of hot water with a squeeze of fresh lemon. This is a fabulous liver flush and will help cleanse the bowel.

Assist bowel function by taking Lactobaccillus acidophilis available in capsule or powdered form. Psyllium husks blended in a fruit smoothie will remedy a sluggish bowel. To discover more self-help tips on how to relieve constipation and other ailments common to pregnancy click here.

Calcium is essential for strong and healthy bone development. Vegetarian sources of calcium include soy products, leafy green vegetables, figs, cashew nuts and wholegrain breads.

Listen to your body. If you are really worried call your doctor, no matter how trivial your concern may seem.

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