Arranging Antenatal Care

Considerations for where and how you would like to give birth.

One of the key issues to consider is where and how you would like to have your baby. There are several choices available to suit preference and budget. If you live a distance from a city or regional hospital, you may not have as many options. If you have special requirements or choose to give birth in water or at a birthing centre, start looking around as soon as possible and book in early.

When making your decision, bear in mind the following considerations:

  • General facilities available
  • Birthing options
  • Hospital and birthing centre policies or restrictions that may affect your wishes
  • The availability of professional assistance
  • Available facilities in an unexpected emergency
  • The degree of medical intervention in a routine birth including the induction of labour, artificial rupturing of membranes, monitoring and internal examinations
  • The rate of Caesarean delivery

Your medical cover status and budget may also be a deciding factor.

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